The General Duty Clause, by definition, means that you the employer must protect employees from serious hazard (death or serious physical harm) once you are aware of it whether OSHA’s rules specifically address it or not. Explore our driver safety solutions today.
What do we offer?
Laminated Emergency Warning Triangle Placement Card
To be attached to inside cover of Emergency Warning Triangle Kit
Laminated Emergency Vehicle Stop Card
To be attached to interior of cab of vehicle or left unattached in vehicle within reach of driver
Certificate Issuance
Passing One quiz each for Emergency Warning Triangle Placement and Emergency Vehicle Stop will result in a personalized verification certificate
Question 1. Are you aware & recognize that a hazard exists when your driver has to exit the vehicle in a vehicle emergency stop situation?
Question 2. Are you aware & recognize that a hazard exists when your driver places emergency reflective triangles on roadway?
If you answered yes to the above two questions, continue reading.
OSHA ACT of 1970 – SECTION 5a1
The General Duty Clause, by definition, means that you the employer must protect employees from serious hazard (death or serious physical harm) once you are aware of it whether OSHA’s rules specifically address it or not.
As the employer do you want to protect the lives and reduce personal injuries to your employees?
As the employer do you want to reduce legal litigations against you and your employee?
If you answered yes to the above two questions, we have the solutions.
- A Product to help prevent loss of life and personal injuries when setting up emergency warning triangles
- A Product to prevent loss of life and personal injuries on an emergency vehicle stop
- A Process for Certifications of knowledge to help reduce liability litigations on employee & employer
Check out our purchasing section to find more information on ordering our driver safety product and completing our certification process today!

No Compromise
At Gray Bear Life, we understand first-hand the vital importance of driver safety. Our team shares a desire to address solutions for several transportation safety issues that OSHA, NHTSA and FMCSA will not address. Our product was created for the safety of the driver and liability protection for the employer.
Online certification quizzes are include with all Emergency Placement Card purchases.
Emergency Warning Triangle Placement Certification
Emergency Vehicle Stop Certification
Fast and Easy
Completely Online!
Reduce the chance of driver and civilian injury as well as after accident litigation with our proven proven product, developed through years of training and first hand experience by professionals.